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Game accessories

Need accessories for your scenarios? You want to complete your outfit with additional objects, giving it a more authentic look? So come and discover all our games accessories.

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The most important, when we practice airsoft, is able to recognize who is friend and who is the enemy. For this purpose, equip with armbands rallying a team defined by its color (blue, red, yellow). Several types of armbands are available: An elastic band allows you to place it on the arm, or the use of velcro.

Become medic using the appropriate cuff and with our “bobo kit”, contained in a full metal box, essential accessory because it’s real, an injury can happen to anyone, a first aid kit can save from a lot of hassle.

Discover our fake bombs (with timer and alarm) to complement your scenarios while very fun with a friendly appearance.

Equip yourself also with a pair of binoculars, contained in a soft leather case that will allow you to have an observer role within your team.